The material is designed to enhance the core TCI activities. Topics include sources of trauma for children with complex needs, adapting setting conditions to improve quality of life, planning for success when encouraging learning, supporting communication so that the child or young person can engage in an adapted Life Space Interview (LSI)
Learning Outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- Apply TCI concepts to children and young people with complex needs
- Identify the environmental and personal setting conditions that are causing distress and trauma and adapt the environment and communication modes to restore calm
- Develop a person centered Individual Crisis Support Plan (ICSP)
- Demonstrate an adapted LSI
- Consider the risks involved in the use of restraint
Program Outline
DAY ONE explores how to apply TCI concepts to children with complex needs, how to plan for success in skills acquisition, and how to adapt TCI behavior support techniques. Physical intervention techniques will be practised for recertification testing.
DAY TWO focuses on communication matters including empathy activities, communication strategies when a child is distressed, and using communication modalities to successfully engage a child in an LSI adapted to their needs. All participants will be tested with written and competency based tests at the end of the day for recertification.
Participants who successfully complete the update receive:
- TCI for Complex Needs and Neurodiversity: Planning for Success reference guide, activity guide, and workbook
- TCI for Complex Needs and Neurodiversity: Communication reference guide, activity guide, and workbook
- Powerpoint presentation for use in their direct training.
Who Should Attend
This course is only open to certified TCI trainers. It is useful for those working with children and young people who have complex needs potentially including Autism, Attention deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), intellectual and communication challenges
Course Dates & Format
There are no scheduled dates for this course at this time, however in-service is available.
Registration Deadline: January 28, 2025 to allow time for shipping of review of pre-reading materials.
Instructors for Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) trainings are from the TCI Program of the Residential Childcare Project (RCCP), Cornell University.
Training Fee
Group Discounts are not applicable for TCI training.
Continuing Education Information
Licensing boards and professional organizations will grant Continuing Education credits for attendance at their discretion when participants submit the course outline and certificate.
This is available as an in-person training.